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Kansas Wesleyan University

Important Information!

Scholarships listed below reflect offerings for those entering KWU in the Fall of 2024. Those coming to Kansas Wesleyan prior to that time may receive different scholarships at different levels. Please contact the KDub Hub or your admissions counselor for more information, or scroll to the bottom of this page for a link to previous scholarship details.


请注意,以下奖学金不能合并, or “stacked”, 与任何其他大学奖学金或助学金一起申请. However, the academic matrix and power awards make up a portion of each scholarship.

Ad Astra Guarantee

这是60美元的最低保证,4年的本科生奖学金($15,000 per year). KWU guarantees this amount, at minimum, 给堪萨斯高中或家庭学校的毕业生, 从堪萨斯州的大学转学的学生或州居民.

Saline County Guarantee

这是70美元的最低保证,4年的本科生奖学金($17,500 per year). KWU guarantees this amount, at minimum, to any high school/home school student who resides at an address in Saline County and is new to KWU.

Central Kansas Guarantee

This is a guarantee of $70,4年的本科生奖学金($17,500 per year). KWU guarantees this amount, at minimum, to any high school or home school student who resides at an address in the following counties: McPherson, Ottawa, Ellsworth, Lincoln, Dickinson, Marion, Reno, Cloud, Harvey or Sedgwick.


大学欢迎与大学有历史渊源的学生, whether it be through our long association with the United Methodist Church or by welcoming legacy students, those whose parents and grandparents have attended the university (or others with a KWU tie) in the past. 以下两项奖学金只适用于学费.

50% Legacy Scholarships

This 50% tuition scholarship is available to children and grandchildren of Kansas Wesleyan University, Marymount College or St. 平原学院的许多校友. 获奖者必须是全日制在校本科新生. This scholarship may not be combined 与任何其他大学奖学金或助学金一起申请.


This 50% tuition scholarship is available to all members of the United Methodist Church. The scholarship opportunity applies to full-time, on-ground new undergraduate students. This scholarship may not be combined 与任何其他大学奖学金或助学金一起申请.

General Scholarships

超过98%的全日制学生获得经济资助. 我们最初的助学金计算是基于累积绩点和, 对于转学生来说, 转诊的小时数. 无论是国内学生还是国际学生都是如此.

Eisenhower Scholarship

$21,000 (off-campus $18,000)
Transfer students with GPA of 3.9在24个或更多的转学学分

Trustee Scholarship

$19,000 (off-campus $16,000)
Transfer students with GPA of 3.7在24个或更多的转学学分

Presidential Scholarship

$17,000 (off-campus $14,000)
Transfer students with GPA of 3.5在24个或更多的转学学分

Academic Excellence

$15,000 (off-campus $12,000)
Transfer students with GPA of 3.3在24小时或以上的学分转换

Dean’s Scholarship

$13,000 (off-campus $10,000)
Transfer students with GPA of 3.在24小时或以上的学分转换中获得0分

University Scholarship

$8,000 (off-campus $5,000)
高中毕业生,累积绩点2分以上.5-2.9; Transfer students with GPA of 2.5-2.9个或以上的学分转换

Promise Scholarship

$6,000 (off-campus $3,000)
高中毕业生,累积绩点2分以上.0-2.5; Transfer students with GPA of 2.在24小时或以上的学分转换中获得0分

Discretionary Scholarships

通过体育、美术或学术等活动提供的. 数额各不相同,由教练或赞助商决定.

State Line Grant

任何来自密苏里州的高中或家庭学校的学生, Nebraska, Colorado, 德克萨斯州和俄克拉荷马州有资格获得2美元,000 State Line Grant.

ACT Award

First-time freshmen students who submit an official ACT score of 21 (or 1080 SAT composite) or higher will receive a $1,000 scholarship.

Coyote Enrollment Day

新入学的学生必须参加土狼注册日. 为了表彰他们的出席,他们将获得1000美元的奖学金.


表现出经济需要的学生可能有资格获得该奖项. In addition, this award also may be awarded to applicants whose interests or background are underrepresented at Kansas Wesleyan University.


堪萨斯进步奖学金是至少20美元的保证,000 per year in scholarship aid for any graduate of a Kansas community college. The agreement is in support of September 2022’s global transfer and course articulation agreement between the Kansas Community College Trustees Association and the Kansas Independent College Association (KICA).


Advancement Scholarship Form

Nursing Transfer Scholarship

KWU has a special, significant scholarship for transfer, non-activity Nursing students! For the junior cohort classes from Spring ’23 through Fall ’24 (to include Fall ’23 and Spring ’24), 符合入学资格并以3分成绩进入本校的大三转学生.5 GPA or better are guaranteed up to $30,000 of institutional aid for the year! Have a 3.平均绩点25分,想换个地方学习? You are assured of $25,000! Have a 3.0 GPA? You are guaranteed $23,0000!


Recipients are not eligible to receive aid for participation in fine arts or intercollegiate athletics, 并须同时符合中大及中大的录取标准 Nursing program.


Stein Strings Scholarship

The Stein Strings Scholarship guarantees strings players – new to KWU from a Saline County school – at least $20,每年提供1万英镑的机构援助!

这项奖学金是为了纪念已故的埃里克·斯坦, who founded the Salina Symphony and was a longtime instructor at Marymount College.


KWU has created a scholarship for employees of longtime supporter Salina Regional Health Center (SRHC) and their dependents. Anyone eligible for the scholarship is guaranteed at least $20,000 of scholarship aid per year*! 符合条件的个人必须是shc的员工, spouse or dependent under the age of 25 still living in the employee’s household. 了解更多信息,请联系招生主任克莱尔·霍克 [email protected].


*= SRHC奖学金不是独立的奖学金, but rather, 由大学保证所有的中大奖学金都能提供资助, when combined together, will equal at least $20,000 per year.


Kansas Wesleyan University offers a scholarship in partnership with the Fellowship of Christian Athletics (FCA). The agreement allows for scholarship money to be available for FCA interns at Kansas Wesleyan University.

奖学金获得者将接受FCA工作人员的指导和培训. The scholarship is guaranteed for four years if expectations of the program are being satisfied. The first three years of the student’s time at KWU focus on helping lead the FCA on the Kansas Wesleyan University campus, 在FCA工作人员的支持下. Students will assist with on-campus programming and support for KWU student-athletes. 实习的第四年, the student intern will partner with a local high school to work with high school athletes and coaches.

The scholarship is a partial scholarship and students must complete the application process by April 15 of each year. Priority will be given to students who have already been accepted and complete their deposit to attend Kansas Wesleyan University. 每年最多有两名学生获得该奖项.


  • Complete an essay (no longer than two pages) on why they want to participate in FCA and sport ministry.
  • Two letters of reference

Application materials can be submitted to Aaron Glendening, KWU FCA Coordinator at [email protected].


Study-Focused Scholarships

Multiple scholarships are linked to a student’s activity, major or discipline. Contact your admissions counselor for more information on the below opportunities!

Dr. Rebecca Chopp转学奖学金

The scholarship is designed for eligible transfers (24 transferring hours, 2.5 cumulative GPA, (不活动)表现出学术成就的人, 社区服务和领导能力. 每年的奖金从2000美元到10000美元不等. 更多信息请咨询你的招生顾问


This is a scholarship in memory of longtime KWU music instructor Bill McMosley, for
学生在中大参与音乐活动. 将颁发多个奖学金.

Gary Harmon Scholarship

这项奖学金是为了纪念长期担任我校辩论教练的加里·哈蒙. 可以颁发多个奖学金 to incoming Debate and Forensics students.

DECA Scholarship

该奖学金将专注于加入DECA的学生. 将颁发多个奖学金.

Dr. Dorothy Hanna Scholarship

此奖学金是为了纪念长期担任我校教授的张志强博士. Dorothy Hanna. 可能会向即将入学的STEM学生颁发多项奖学金.

Barbara Marshall Scholarship

此奖学金是为了纪念长期担任大学教授的Barbara Marshall. 可以颁发多个奖学金.

有关所有奖学金的更多信息,请 click here. 2023-24 scholarship details (relevant for those entering KWU in the fall of 2023 and spring of 2024) can be found here. For all scholarships, the maximum award available to students who live off-campus is 65% of tuition unless approved by the executive vice president of advancement and university operations. 

请注意,外部机构可能会提供奖学金, 包括那些千亿国际登录特有的. 如果你对这些有疑问或需要帮助,你可以 contact the Admissions office 我们会尽我们所能帮助你.